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I had a large ventral hernia repaired with Alloderm in February of 2009. It has now been one year & I am still having significant issues with ongoing abdominal pain. Doctors are not willing to say if this is "normal", but I'm beginning to believe it is more common than the doctors would have you believe prior to the surgery.

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Q: Is sharp pain normal 6 months after an incisional hernia repair?
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Is it normal to have groin pain 3 months after hernia operation?

i had mine 3 weeks ago today and it still hurts

Is severe pain after hernia repair normal using the mesh in the abdomen?

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How is an incisional hernia repair done?

Incisional hernias occur most frequently at the site of a scar from earlier abdominal surgery. Once again, the abdomen is opened and the intestines returned to their proper place. The area is reinforced with mesh, and the abdominal wall is.

What happens during hernia surgery?

It takes about 30 to 50 minutes for a normal abdominal hernia repair. There are a few ways to correct the hernia. One is to push the hernia back into the stomach and repair the weakened tissues.

What does the effectiveness of surgical repair of an incisional hernia depend in part on?

reducing or eliminating tension at the surgical wound. The tension-free method used by many medical centers and preferred by surgeons who specialize in hernia repair involves the permanent placement of surgical (prosthetic) steel or polypropylene mesh

What surgical approaches are used to treat incisional hernias?

either a laparoscopic incisional herniorrhaphy, which uses small incisions and a tube-like instrument with a camera attached to its tip; or a conventional open repair procedure, which accesses the hernia through a larger abdominal incision

Why is there Hardness at site of incisional hernia repair?

Whenever there is any surgical wound, the body responds with accumulation of scar tissue to repair the wound. This scar tissue is what causes the hardness at the site of the repair. The scar tissue is remodeled by the body and the healing (repair) of the wound is completely healed in 3 months. At that time the hardness goes away.. George Christoudias MD Teaneck, NJ 07666

What is involved in hernia repair surgery?

Hernias occur when a weakness in the wall of the abdomen allows an organ, usually the intestines, to bulge out of place. Hernias may result from a genetic predisposition toward this weakness. They can also be the result of weakening the muscle.

What is the medical term meaning suture of a defect in a muscular wall such as the repair of a hernia?

Celeoplasty or herniorrhaphy is surgical repair of a hernia.

You had an inguinal hernia repair 4 months ago and it still hurts Why?

Any hernia will hurt until repaired. If your hernia still hurt then there must be a reason. Your Local Doctor should be able to find that reason

What is the purpose of inguinal hernia repair?

Inguinal hernia repair is performed to close or mend the weakened abdominal wall of an inquinal hernia.

What is the purpose of an incisional hernia repair?

performed to correct a weakened area that has developed in the scarred muscle tissue around a prior abdominal surgical incision, occurring as a result of tension (pulling in opposite directions) created when the incision was closed with sutures