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Q: Is starch found in plant or animal cells?
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What 3 structures are not found in animal cells that are in plant cells?

The starch grains, chloroplast and cell wall (vacuoles are larger in plants cells, but small scattered ones can be found in animal cells)

Does all cells contain starch?

No , starch is inside of most plant cells and there is alot in roots , but very few animal cells have starch.

Is starch found in plant cells?


Is Mitochondrion found in plant cells and animal cells?

It is found in both Animal and Plant cells.

Is a vacuole found in plant cells or animal cells or both?

Vacuoles are found in plant and animal cells. They are larger in plant cells.

Is vacuole found in the plant cells or animal cells or both?

Vacuoles are found in plant and animal cells. They are larger in plant cells.

Are mitochandria found in plant cells and animal cells?

found in both plant as well as animal cells

Is mitochondrion found in animal cells or plant cells?

Mitochondrion are found in both plant and animal cells.

Are vesicle found in plant cells or animal cells?

vesicles are found in both animal and plant cells.

What type of polysaccharide is found in potatoes?

Starch is found potatoes, not Glycogen. Glycogen is the plant equivalent of animal glycogen. A potato has starch but no glycogen; muscle cells have glycogen but no starch. The starch we eat is broken into glucose in the stomach/small intest and then reassembled in the muscle cells as glycogen.

Are lysosome found in both animal and plant cells?

Lysosomes are found in both plant and animal cells.

What molecules are storage forms of glucose in plant and animal cells?

The storage form is called glycogen and is usually found in the liver.