

Is stentor plant like or animal like?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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animal like

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Q: Is stentor plant like or animal like?
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Is stentor animal-like or plantlike?

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What group of protists does stentor belong to?

Stentor are Protists from the phylum Ciliophora.

Are stentor prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Stentor are listed as unicellular. They are often described as the largest unicellular organism. They are not, as previously noted, earthworms.

What does stentor use to get food?

Stentor uses hair like structures known as ciliato obtain food.

What is the movement of a stentor?

Stentors move by beating tiny hair-like structures called cilia that cover their body in a coordinated wave-like motion. This motion helps them to propel themselves through the water efficiently.

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