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Q: Is the collarbone intermediate between the breastbone and shoulder?
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Related questions

What bone connects the breastbone to each shoulder bone?

The breast bone is actually between the breast and is called the sternum. The bones beneath the breast are the ribcage

What is the space between the neck and shoulder called?

Primarily, it's referred to as the nape of the neck. It can also be called the collarbone, in some cases.

What is acromioclavicular joint capsular hypertrophy?

An acromioclavicular joint is a synovial joint that connects your collarbone to the shoulder blade. Acromioclavicular joint capsular hypertrophy is an n enlargement of the sac surrounding the capsular ligament in that joint.

What happens to the cartilage between your ribs and breastbone when you breathe?

The cartilage between the ribs and breastbone moves and flexes when you breathe.

What the difference between a broken clavicle and a broken collarbone?

There is no difference. A collarbone is the common name for clavicle which is the anatomical name.

What the bone in the center of the chest between the ribs?


The region between the lungs from the breastbone to the vertebra is called the?

The Mediastinum.

What is in the bone in the center of the chest between the ribs?

It is the Sternum (breastbone).

What is the bone that serves as a brace between the sternum and the scapula?

The clavicle, aka collarbone

What is sternocostal?

It is a joint found between the sternum (breastbone) and any of the ribs that attach to it.

Where a patient has disconfort when exhibits substernal pain?

Between the breasts

What are the 3 bones that make up the shoulder?

Clavicle and ScapulaClavicle and scapula.Articulated bones of the pectoral (shoulder) girdle.The paired pectoral, or shoulder, girdles each consist of two bones- the anterior clavicle and the posterior scapula.