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Generally neither. Plant cells to not have flagella and, apart from sperm, neither do animal cells. Flaglla are more characteristic of bacteria and protists.

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Q: Is the flagella in the animal cell or the plant cell?
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Is flagella in animal cell or plant cell?

Animals cells use cilia and flagella for movement.

What two things can you find in a plant cell that you cannot find in an animal cell?

there are 2 things that plant have while animal dont plant have a cell wall,has a chloroplast and animal dont the only thing that animal have that plant dont is a flagella ..(:

What structures are found in an animal cell but not in plant cells?

centrioles, lysosomes, cilia or flagella

Are flagella found in plant cells?

Flagella are not cells - they are extensions of cells that render the cell motile. (Think of it as a tail of some sort.) Sperms have flagella and other unicellular organisms such as paramecium and other organisms such as bacteria have flagella too. It isn't common for plant cells to have flagella.

Is flagella plant or animal?

both(plant and animal)

Is a flagella cell in a plant cell?

It is said that some plant sex cells contain a flagella.

What do a bacterial cell a plant and a nerve cell have in common?


What exists in animal cells that does not exist in plant cells?

mitochondria flagella cilia just to name a few

How does a bacteria cell differ from a plant or animal cell?

A bacteria cell differs structurally from plant and animal cells because of its small size. A bacteria cell has flagella outside of the cell to help it move. A bacteria cell does not contain organelles. Only the chromosome and sometimes ribosomes are visible in a bacteria cell.

How does a bacteria cell differ a plant or animal cell?

A bacteria cell differs structurally from plant and animal cells because of its small size. A bacteria cell has flagella outside of the cell to help it move. A bacteria cell does not contain organelles. Only the chromosome and sometimes ribosomes are visible in a bacteria cell.

Which of these is NOT found in animal cells?

The following are found in plant cells and NOT in animal cells: -plasmodesmata -chloroplasts -large central vacuoles -cell wall -tonoplast The following are found in animal cells and NOT in plant cells: -lysosomes -centrioles -flagella (although some are found in plant sperm)

Where can flagella be found?

Flagellum, (plural flagella) is mainly found on sperm, its the tail.