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No. Flagella are whiplike appendages on a cell that helpt it move. Ribosomes are made in the nucleolus.

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Q: Is the flagella where ribosomes are made?
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Ribosomes are made in the Nucleolus

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The ribosomes make proteins.

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Protein are made in ribosomes. Ribosomes are cell organelles.

What meterial is ribosomes made from?

Ribosomes are made of proteins and ribosomal RNA (rRNA).

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Cilia are short, hairlike projections that usually occur in large numbers on the surface of certain cells. Flagellaare long, tail like projections. Unlike ciliates, flagellates usually have one flagellum.


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Not all prokaryotic cells have flagella only some do. The flagella in prokaryotic cells are made up of the hook, filament and basal body.