

Is the hip a biaxial joint?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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No, it's a multi-axial synovial type of a ball-and-socket joint.

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11y ago

It is a uniaxial joint..........

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What constitutes the hip joint?

The hip joint is a ball and socket joint.

What does the hip joint look like?

The hip joint resembles a ball-and-socket. The socket of the hip joint is the acetabulum and the femoral head is the ball of the hip joint.

What joint are in the hip?

The hip is a ball and socket joint.

What is the kind of joint hip?

The hip joint is an example of a ball and socket joint.

What does the hip look like?

The hip joint resembles a ball-and-socket. The socket of the hip joint is the acetabulum and the femoral head is the ball of the hip joint.

What anterior joint is between the hip bones?

The anterior joint that is between the hip jones is called the hip joint. The hip joint is a ball and socket synovial joint formed between the fur and os coxa.

What kind of joint is found in the hip and the ankle?

The hip joint is a ball and socket joint. The ankle joint is a hinge joint.