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Your pancreas is located on the left side of your abdominal cavity.

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Q: Is the pancreas on the right or left side?
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What side of the body is the pancreas located?

Yes, it stretches from your left side to the middle of your abdomen.

Is the pancreas on the left or right side of your body?

I don't exactly know what your question is but if your asking what side is it on its on your right side of your body

What is the body location of the pancreas?

The pancreas is located just below and behind the stomach.

If I have veins on right side of lower stomach what organ is under there?

The pancreas is right under the stomach. The pancreas is right under the stomach.

Where is the pancreas found in the body?

On the left side beside the stomach.

If you have severe pain in the bottom left side of the lower abdomen and you also have diarrhea and have thrown up several times?

This may be a case of pancreatitis or swollen pancreas. Does the pain in the bottom left side get worse when you push on the pancreas? (Upper right/middle quadrant) Do not drink alcohol or take drugs.

Is the pancreas located in the left hypochondriac?

The entire spleen is in the left side of abdomen so also the left kidney with the suprarenals, the left fallopian tube and the left ovary in the female. The pancreas and most of the stomach is on the left side of the abdomen. The descending colon is on the left side too.

Whats on the left side opposite of the appendix?

You have spleen with the artery and vein to the spleen. Then there is tail of pancreas. Then you have left colic flexure on the left side of the stomach. On the left and back side, you have left kidney and the left adrenal gland.

What causes pain in the bottom left side of the stomach?

It could have something to do with your pancreas.

What part of the body does the right side of the brain control?

The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, and the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.

Is bladder on left side or right side of body?

On my left side it have me bending over it hurt so back this is my second day l started hurt yesterday all night l had gas real bad and acid reflux now I m trying clean my stomach out to see will that work

Where does the gastrosplenic vein carry blood from?

The Stomach, Small Intestine, And left side of the pancreas.