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No, the patella is not proximal to the ulna. The patella is the kneecap, and is on the lower extremity. The ulna is the smaller of the forearm bones. Since the structures are on different limbs, you can't use the directionals proximal and distal. However, the patella is inferior and medial to the ulna.

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Q: Is the patella bone proximal to the ulna bone?
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Yes, the patella is distal to the femur. This is because the patella is more distant than the femur to the attachment point to the trunk of the body. You can also say the femur is proximal to the patella.

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The patella is anterior to the joint between the femur and tibia. The patella is also known as the kneecap.

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Which bone has the head located on the distal end?

The ulna has the head at the distal end. Usually the head of a bone is located at the proximal end. The ulna has a large process called the olecranon process that people call their 'elbow'.

What is the insertion tendon of patella?

The patella is the round bone on the anterior of the knee. You can palpate the surface of the knee and you can gently shift the patella bone side to side. The insertion of the patella bone is quadricep ligament which attaches to the proximal end of the tibia. The origin of the patella is the quadricep tendon. The quadriceps consist of four muscles: rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, and the vastus lateralis.

What is a patellar?

Patellar means related to the patella bone. Patella is a sesamoid bone in the front of the knee joint. Terms are used like pre-pattellar or post-patellar. Pre-patellar means proximal to the patella or post patellar means distal to the patella bone. Patellar tendon or patellar dislocation. The expert in the English grammar should comment on the correctness of the term, please.

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