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It is only a hormone storage area that receives hormones from the hypothalamus for release.

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Yes, the posterior pituitary gland is considered a true endocrine gland because it produces and releases hormones into the bloodstream. It stores and releases hormones such as oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone that are produced by the hypothalamus.

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Q: Is the posterior pituitary gland a true endocrine gland?
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True or Flase The pituitary gland hormones stimulate the other endocrine glands to produce their hormones?

True. The pituitary gland secretes various hormones that stimulate other endocrine glands in the body to produce and release their own hormones, which help regulate various physiological functions in the body.

Which organ is not an endocrine gland but has a role in endocrine function?

The kidney is not an endocrine gland, but it has a role in endocrine function by producing the hormone erythropoietin, which stimulates the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Acromegaly is the result of the hypersecretion hormone true or false?

True. Acromegaly is a disorder caused by the hypersecretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland, leading to excessive growth of bones and tissues.

What makes ADH?

ADH, or antidiuretic hormone, is produced in the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland. Its main function is to regulate the body's water balance by controlling the reabsorption of water in the kidneys, which helps maintain proper blood volume and concentration. ADH levels are influenced by factors such as hydration status, blood pressure, and electrolyte levels in the body.

Is human growth hormone therapy administered when the pituitary gland secretes an inadequate amount of gowth hormone?

Yes, human growth hormone therapy is typically administered when the pituitary gland secretes inadequate amounts of growth hormone, leading to conditions like growth hormone deficiency in children or adults. Supplementing with synthetic growth hormone can help to promote growth, development, and metabolism in individuals with deficient levels.

Related questions

Why isn't the neurohypophysis or posterior lobe of the pituitary gland a true endocrine gland?

It is only a hormone storage area that receives hormones from the hypothalamus for release. Since it does not make its own secretions (it only stores the neuroendocrine hormones made by the hypothalamus) it is not considered a true endocrine gland.

True or Flase The pituitary gland hormones stimulate the other endocrine glands to produce their hormones?

True. The pituitary gland secretes various hormones that stimulate other endocrine glands in the body to produce and release their own hormones, which help regulate various physiological functions in the body.

Which organ is not an endocrine gland but has a role in endocrine function?

The kidney is not an endocrine gland, but it has a role in endocrine function by producing the hormone erythropoietin, which stimulates the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Why is the master gland incorrect?

The term "master gland" is outdated and misleading because it implies that one gland controls all others, which is not entirely true. The endocrine system works as a complex network of glands that interact with each other through feedback loops, rather than one single gland being in charge.

What part of the brain does the pituitary gland work closely with?

The part of the brain that the pituitary gland works closely with is the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is located underneath the thalamus.

True or false bones grow because of a hormone made in the pituitary gland?


True or False A hormone released by the pituitary gland signals the start of puberty for both boys and girls?


If an endocrine gland secretes too much hormone is it considered to be over active?


If an endocrine gland secretes too much hormone is it considered to be overactive?

Yes, if an endocrine gland secretes too much hormone, it is considered to be overactive. This can lead to various health conditions and hormonal imbalances in the body.

Which organs and tissues comprise endocrine system?

Nearly twenty organs and tissues have been discovered in Mammals and Human which secrete hormones and comprise endocrine system . Most of organs included in list are exclusively endocrine in nature while some organs perform other functions but also produce some hormones .Organs :1 : Adenohypophysis ( Anterior Pituitary Gland ) is considered master gland , produces 7 hormones2 : Neurohypophysis ( Posterior Pituitary Gland ) produces two hormones .3 : Pars inter-media ( Median lobe ) produces one hormone .4 : Hypothalamus is part of nervous system and also produces releasing and inhibiting hormones .5 :Thyroid , produces two hormones .6 : Parathyroid produces two hormones .7 : Islets of Langerhans ( Pancreatic islets ) , three hormones .8 : Adrenal cortex , many hormones .9 : Adrenal Medulla , two hormones .10 : Testes in males produce male sex hormones .!1 : Ovaries in females produce female sex hormones .12 : Pineal , one hormone .Tissues of Organs13 : Corpus Lute-um , one hormone .14 : Stomach produces gastrin15 : Duodenum produces secretin , motilin and C.C.K.16 : Heart produces a.n.p.17 : adipose tissue produces leptin .18 : Placenta produces many hormones .19 : Liver produces insulin like growth factor .20 : Thymus produces thymopoietin .

How do the nervous system and the endocrine system complement each other?

The nervous and endocrine systems are related in three main areas, structure, chemical, and function. The endocrine and nervous system work parallel with each other and in conjunction function in maintaining homeostasis, development and reproduction. Both systems are the communication links of the body and aid the body's life systems to function correctly and in relation to each other. Structurally many of the endocrine systems glands and tissues are rooted in the nervous system, Such glands as the hypothalamus and posterior pituitary are examples of nerve tissues that influence the function of a gland and it's secretion of hormones. Not only does the hypothalamus secrete hormones into the bloodstream, but it regulates the release of hormones in the posterior pituitary gland. Those that are not made of nervous tissue once were. The adrenal medulla is derived from the same cells that produce certain ganglia. Chemically both the endocrine and nervous system function in communication by means of the same transmitters but use them in different ways. Hormones are utilized by both systems in signaling an example of this can be seen in the use of Norepinephrine. Norepineprine functions as a neurotransmitter in the nervous system and as an adrenal hormone in the endocrine system. Functionally the nervous and endocrine system work hand in hand acting in communicating and driving hormonal changes. They work in maintaing homeostasis and respond to changes inside and outside the body. Besides functioning in similar manners they work in conjunction. An example of this can be seen in a mothers release of milk. When a baby sucks the nipple of its mother, sensory cells in the nipple sends signals to the hypothalmus, which then responds by releaing oxytocin from the posterior pituitary. The oxytocin is released into the bloodstream where it moves to its' target cell, a mammary gland. The mammary gland then responds to the hormones signal by releasing milk through the nipple. Besides working in conjunction with each other, both systems affect one another. The adrenal medulla is under control the control of nerve cells, but the nervous systems development is under the control of the endocrine system.

What is true regarding endocrine glands?

Endocrine glands: - are ductless ("endo" means "internal") and supply their products directly into the bloodstream, - manufacture hormones (biological chemicals that influence the operation of other organs and tissues), - include the pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands. The stomach also has endocrine activity, - are critical to bodily functions. The thyroid creates thyroxin, which regulates the body's overall metabolic rate. Low thyroxin (hypothyroidism) means low energy consumption, lethargy and weight gain, for example. A faulty pancreas leads to low insulin levels, excessive/erratic blood sugar, and diabetes, - differ from exocrine ("external") glands such as the liver, which supplies products into other body systems, such as bile into the digestive tract. ENDOCRINE GLANDS ARE DUCTLESS