

Is the smooth muscle elastic

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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Yes of course!

muscles wouldn't move if it weren't elastic...

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Q: Is the smooth muscle elastic
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What layer of an artery consists mostly of smooth muscle?

Arterial walls are more muscular than the walls of veins. This muscle is smooth involuntary muscle.

What are the characteristics of a muscular vein?

The tunica interna of a muscular vein consists of an endothelium with a basal lamina, a thin subendothelial layer with smooth muscle cells, and a thin internal elastic membrane. Its tunica media has several layers of circularly arranged smooth muscle cells dispersed with collagen and elastic fibres. The smooth muscle cells may be arranged longitudinally in its tunica media. Its externa is generally thicker than its tunica media and has collagen fibres and a network of elastic fibres.

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The tunica interna of an elastic artery has subendothelial laminas of elastic fibres. Its tunica media has many fenestrated elastic membranes alternating with smooth muscle fibres. An elastic artery also has external elastic lamina. Its tunica externa is thin and contains vasa vasorum.

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An artery is a vessel with a thick medial layer, consisting of smooth muscle to allow for constriction or dilation in order to control blood flow through the vessel.

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smooth musclesmooth muscle

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Smooth muscle

What layer of an artery consists mostly of smooth muscles?

the tunica media is made of smooth muscles and elastic fibers.

The main component of the tunica media of muscular arteries is?

Tunica Media or just Media is the central layer of arteries or veins. In the artery, it is composed of elastic tissue and smooth cell muscles.

Which muscle tissue is involuntary and not striated?

SmoothI'm POSITIVE it's the Skeletal Muscle!

Is muscle cell is smooth when hungry?

No, "smooth" muscle is a type of muscle.