

Is the spine an organ

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Yes, the spinal cord is an organ

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Q: Is the spine an organ
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Is a hernia a organ?

no it is a illness caused by stress on the spine

What to organ systems allow you to feel pain?

the spine that sends a pain signal to the brain .spine .brain

The larget organ in the "spine side" or "back" of an animal?


The spine is a part of which organ system?

The spine is part of the skeletal system. While it contains a very Significant portion of The Nervous System [the spinal cord], the Spine is of osteo-origin; meaning that it is made of [or from] bone-tissue.

What is congenital scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a side-to-side curvature of the spine. Congenital scoliosis is due to congenital abnormal formation of the bones of the spine, and is often associated with other organ defects.

What is the increase in the single spine for health workers?

the increase in the spine is that the spine is big every year when you grow up. the spine increases when you grow up and sometimes when you get in a car accident and it is really bad you or your spinal cord can pop out of your body. that thing that protects your spine in the sense organ, skin. the skin can help the spinal cord not pop out when you get into a really bad accident. So remember that your spine is protected by the skin

Where is coccyx located?

skeletalThe coccyx is a bone not an organ. It is the lower part of the spine commonly refered to as the tailbone.

What causes rapid onset of adult scoliosis?

Congenital scoliosis is due to congenital abnormal formation of the bones of the spine, and is often associated with other organ defects.

What organ cleans the blood and gets rid of the waste?

waste from bloodkidneyThe kidney filters waste from the blood.

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The bone that run down your back?

The bones in your back are called vertebrae but all of them together are called the spine, the neck is cervical, mid-spine is thoracic and the lower spine is the lumbar.

Is the spine lateral to the spine?

The Stomach is Anterior to the Spine.