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yes it helps because they have there own skill to survive its in there gens

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1mo ago

Yes, certain genetic features can influence an individual's ability to survive in challenging environments. For example, genetic variations that provide increased resistance to diseases, improved metabolism of nutrients, or enhanced ability to adapt to changes in the environment can positively impact survival. However, environmental factors and lifestyle choices also play a significant role in determining overall health and survival.

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Q: Is their any genetic features to help to survive?
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Which term is described as any trait that gives a plant or animal an advantage in its environment?

The term is "adaptation." Adaptations are features or behaviors that help organisms survive and reproduce in their specific environment.

How do adaptations help organisms survive?

Adaptations help organisms survive by enhancing their ability to obtain food, find shelter, reproduce, and avoid predators. Through natural selection, individuals with beneficial adaptations are more likely to survive and pass these traits on to their offspring, increasing their chances of success in their environment.

Are there any genetic disorders that include bright blue eyes I am referring to genetic disorders and not ethnic groups. Genetic disorder can be including other features besides bright blue eyes?

Yes, Waardenburg syndrome is a genetic disorder that can include bright blue eyes along with other features such as hearing loss, changes in pigmentation of the hair, skin, and eyes, and a wide nasal bridge. This syndrome affects the development of certain cells and tissues in the body and can be inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern.

What are Symptoms of the human mutation and effects?

Symptoms and effects of human mutations can vary widely depending on the specific mutation and gene affected. Common symptoms may include developmental delays, physical abnormalities, changes in facial features, and increased risk of certain diseases or disorders. The effects can range from mild to severe, impacting an individual's health, development, and overall quality of life. Regular genetic testing and counseling can help identify and manage mutations.

Can autosomes go through meiosis?

Yes, autosomes are any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome, and they do go through meiosis. During meiosis, autosomes are involved in the process of genetic recombination and independent assortment, which help generate genetic diversity.

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The term is "adaptation." Adaptations are features or behaviors that help organisms survive and reproduce in their specific environment.

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Any characteristic that is favorable to help an organism survive are called?

That is an adaptation .

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What is meant by genetic integrity?

Genetic integrity refers to the state of an organism's genetic information being complete and unaltered. It involves maintaining the natural genetic composition without any changes or disruptions, preserving the original hereditary characteristics of the organism. This is important for species to survive and adapt to their environments effectively.

How did fire help people survive?

Well it help them survive because without it they would freeze to death and also without fire they would not be able to cook any of there food

Can anyone say any features that are genetic I know that features of the human are passed down to other members of the family for example eye colour. Can someone list anymore genetic features?

Everything that occurs naturally in a biological oganism is genetic. Voice, face shape, feet; to some extent even intelligence and personality although these are also affected but other influences. * Hair color * Blood type * Skin color * Many health factors

Is there any adaptation that can help a monkey survive in it's habitat?

Yes, the monkeys tail and long arms are an adaptation that helps it survive in its environment.

Do elephants have any special features that helps is survive?

they can trample a person to death in no time flat, they use their trunk and their tusks to defend themselves.

How does living in an isolated area help penguins survive?

They don't have any competition for food or shelter.