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Ok, I have no idea what you mean by that question. Technically, since blood flows to the spleen to keep it alive...then yes. But blood flows to every living cell in your body to keep it alive so...yeah. But is the spleen a part of the circulatory system? That is also a yes. It is part of the lymphatic system, not the cardiovascular system. The lymphatic system is a sub-system of the circulatory system that basically helps fight infection, recycle blood plasma, etc. Most people do not think of the lymphatic system as part of the circulatory system though (even though it is) and most use the words "circulatory" and "cardiovascular" interchangeably (even though they're not interchangeable). Seeing as the cardiovascular organs are the heart and blood vessels, if that is what you meant...then no it's not. Please be more specific with your questions.

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Q: Is there a spleen in the circulatory system?
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Spleen in the circulatory or digestive system?

Neither. The spleen is part of the immune system

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Which system complements the circulatory system and involves the spleen?

The Lymphatic System.

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The spleen produces blood cells, and forms part of the immune system.

What system includes your blood?

The circulatory system, including the heart, spleen, liver, and all the veins and arteries.

What are the major tissues of the circulatory system?

Muscle and the spleen and the heart and the lungs and the mouth

Six organs fed by the circulatory system?

All organs are fed by the circulatory system. Examples include the skin, stomach, uterus, brain, kidneys, and spleen.

Why is the spleen not part of the digestive system?

Because it does no function in the digestive system. The spleen functions with the circulatory and immune systems. It removes old red blood cells and synthesizes antibodies.

What type of system is the blood?

The blood is part of the Circulatory System, which includes the heart, lungs, arteries, veins, kidneys, liver and spleen. Here is a good photo, (but leaves out the spleen):

What specific vein does lymph enter circulatory system?

The spleen produces lymphocytes. As blood flows through the spleen, lymphocytes attack or mark pathogens in the blood. If pathogens cause an infection, the spleen may also release lymphocytes into the bloodstream.

What organ system does the spleen belong to?

Lymphatic System