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Yes because we are part of it.

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Q: Is there really a need to preserve or protect the ecosystem?
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Why do you need to preserve yak species?

For maintains the ecosystem and the food chain

What is the difference between protection and preservation?

Definition one.An animal need protection in order to survive.Either we humans protect it, or it protect itself.Hunters would preserve an animal after killing it so that they can keep it on display.Definition two.Protection and Preserving is closely related.We need to protect this species. It might become extinct if we do not preserve it.Preservation is a stronger form of protection.Protection can some times fail but we would go to "extremes" in order to preserve spieces from extinction.

Why you should protect and preserve flora and fauna?

As flora and fauna is the basic need and natural economy of a country,it not only reveals the rich heritage but also enrich a country's status and respect .Therefore it is very necessary to protect and preserve Flora and Fauna of a country

Why would an airline pilot need to have knowledge of geography?

an airline pilot would need the knowledge of geography to get a job and also know how to preserve or protect their environment.

What is the temperature in storing drugs?

130 degrees. You need to keep them really hot to preserve the flavor.

Why do you need you preserve graciousness?

You cant preserve graciousness. But you can be gracious.

Did Michelle Obama really cut her hair short?

Yes, but just a few tracks to thicken and protect it. Because she has so much exposure everyday she need to preserve her natural hair from the heat of the flat and curling irons everyday.

Do you really need virus protection?

no but having it will always protect you from unwanted viruses

Need to preserve ozone layer?

Yes,we need to preserve ozone. It is a vital layer for life on earth.

What is the moral learn of The Lorax?

The moral lesson in "The Lorax" is about the importance of environmental conservation and the consequences of greed and overconsumption. It emphasizes the need to protect and preserve nature for future generations.

What is the need for conservation of natural vegetation in India?

We need vegetation because it gives other animal a place to live. In order to protect the ecosystem of that place and also the gene pool for the survival of future generations

How can you preserve public property of India?

To preserve public property in India, it is important to raise awareness among citizens about the importance of respecting and taking care of public spaces. Implementing strict laws and penalties for damaging public property can act as a deterrent. Regular maintenance and monitoring of public property by relevant authorities can also help preserve it for future generations.