

Is white out poisonous

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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I eat whiteout:o

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Q: Is white out poisonous
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Some spiders are white. So are scorpions. The spiders can sometimes be poisonous or non- poisonous so can scorpions.

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I don't remember the name but they are poisonous. very poisonous

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It is only poisonous if you eat it raw. If eaten after properly cooked it is perfectly fine.

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White phosphorus is very dangerous and not just because it is poisonous. Red phosphorus is considered less poisonous.

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Pepper seeds (or peppercorns) are not poisonous. They are ground to make ground white or black pepper. Pepper seeds from vegetables in the capsicum family are not poisonous either.

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Snowberry bush. The berries are poisonous.

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Mistletoe fruit is white, and highly poisonous.

How poisonous is red phosphorus?

As compared to white phosphorus, it is not so dangerous, as it is not poisonous and it does ignite spontaneously in air, if temperature is below 260 ºC. So, it is relatively stable and less reactive than white phosphorus.