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Different cells work together to form tissues. Different tissues that work together form organs. Different organs that work together form organ systems and these work together to form an organism. Cells>tissues>organs>organs systems>organism.

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Q: Is your heart a organ made out of muscle tissues nerve tissues and blood tissues?
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What types of tissue make up your heart?

The types of tissues that make up your heart are cardiac muscle tissue, nerve tissue and blood tissue. The cardiac muscle tissue contracts, making the heart pump. The nerve tissue brings messages that tell the heart how fast to beat. The blood tissue is carried from the heart to other organs of the body.

Is the heart a nerve?

No; the heart is a muscle.

What organ is made of cardiac and nerve and blood vessel tissues?

As an example a heart is made out of all those tissues for any one who wants to know :)

What tissues do cnidarians have?

im pretty sure its muscle and nerve tissue... pretty sure...

Does the heart have nerves tissues?

Yes the human heart has nerve tissues that help the brain send messages to th the heart

What type of tissue is in the heart?

Cardiac tissues, smooth muscle, endothelial cells. Cardiac Muscle found in the hearts chambers right and left atrium and riht and left ventricle. This tissue perform the pumping of the heart. Smooth muscle tissues provide stability and flexibility so that the large arteries can contract and expand. Edothelial cells line the chambers and vessels. They stop blood components from moving to the muscle and help prevent clotting.

What type of cells are found in the heart?

"I am not sure of names but i know that many cells make up the heart! Try to look on the Internet for your answer. Hope this helped a bit :)" You got to be kidding me... that wasn't helpful at all, but whatever. In the heart you can find: - Myocardiocytes - those are the cells performing the rhytmic contraction of the whole heart. - Endothelial cells - those are the supporting epithelial cells, insulating the chambers of the heart and the veins.

What organisms have nerve muscle connective and protective tissues?

i think it's animals

What is made of nervous tissues?

nerve cells make nervous tissue and muscle tissue is made up of muscle cells

How does humans heart beat?

A Human Heart Beats Beacuse Of Blood Flow To The Right And Left Atricle and Upper and Lower Chambers Of The Heart. A more detailed and scientific answer would be: The human heart, as with any animals' heart, beats due to the brain sending an electrical impulse down the vagal nerve and through a nerve that is known as the "Pacemaker." This electrical impulse causes the heart muscle to contract, thus pumping blood through the body. The muscle contractions are what is known collectively as a heartbeat.

How does a human heart beat?

A Human Heart Beats Beacuse Of Blood Flow To The Right And Left Atricle and Upper and Lower Chambers Of The Heart. A more detailed and scientific answer would be: The human heart, as with any animals' heart, beats due to the brain sending an electrical impulse down the vagal nerve and through a nerve that is known as the "Pacemaker." This electrical impulse causes the heart muscle to contract, thus pumping blood through the body. The muscle contractions are what is known collectively as a heartbeat.

Why does the heart has different types of tissues?

The heart does consist or atria, ventricles, etc. but these are the gross, anatomical divisions of the heart. In asking about the kinds of tissues contained in the heart, we have to think of the cells found there. The heart obviously contains cardiac muscle, it is practically the only site where it is found, except for the transitions between the heart and the large vessels arising from it. Cardiac muscle consist of the typical cardiac muscle cells, which are di-nucleated, branched cells which connect to each other at intercalated disks, making the heart muscle a functional syncitium. In addition, the heart contains modified cardiac muscle cells called Purkinje cells. These cells transmit electrical impulses to the ventricles, to stimulate them to contract. The heart also contains connective tissue, serving various purposes, such as binding groups of cardiac muscle cells into fascicles, etc.