

Is your stomach lined with mucus?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Yes, your stomach is lined with mucus. The chemicals the stomach secretes (i.e., pepsin) are designed to digest protein. But your stomach walls are also made of protein! The mucus coats the lining of your stomach so the chemicals do not destroy the lining.

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Because the Stomach is lined with Mucus which blocks the acid from burning your stomach

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it lined with mucus to help digest the food chemically and to keep the stomach from acid

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Because your stomach is well lined with mucus producing cells that line the stomach with mucus that keep HCl from digesting the stomach it has been secreted into. When you vomit the mucus come up with the acid to protect, to a degree, you esophagus and mouth. Hydrochloric acid ingested would burn tour mouth and esophagus on the way to your stomach.

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They do (as do stomach acids {even faster & better}), but slowly as the stomach is lined (coated) with mucus, which "prevents" physical contact.

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The role that cells play in keeping the stomach from digesting itself is in the production of a thick, greasy mucus so that the stomach wall remains intact. This thick mucus is called glycoprotein.

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Jack Dombrowski makes mucus in the stomach

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Mucus protects stomach lining from gastric acids.