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Q: Large numbers of ribosomes are present in cells that specialize in producing what molecules?
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In what types of cells do you find large numbers of ribosomes?

Large numbers of ribosomes are present in cells that specialize in producing protein molecules. The mitochondrion contains its own DNA and ribosomes.

What are the functions of free ribosomes?

Free ribosomes usually make proteins that will function in the cytosol, while bound ribosomes usually make proteins that are exported or included in the cell's membranes. Interestingly enough, free ribosomes and bound ribosomes are interchangeable and the cell can change their numbers according to metabolic needs.

Which organelles would be present in large numbers of cells that manufacture proteins?

ribsomes,golgi bodies,and endoplasmic reticulum

What organelles would be present in large numbers in Cells lining the stomach?

Ribosomes and the Golgi Apparatus

What has ribosomes attached to it and it synthesizes proteins?

In translation, messenger RNA and transfer RNA and ribosomes work together to produce proteins. Ribosomes are very tiny particles that are present in large numbers in all living cells and serve as the site of protein synthesis.

Are chemical equations balanced by changing the subscripts of the molecules?

No - they are usually balanced by changing the numbers before the molecules.

A cell that produces many proteins for secretion from the cell would have large numbers of what?

ribosomes (because they make proteins). The ribosomes will usually be found associated with the endoplasmic reticulum so you'll see lots of rough ER.

What are numbers that proceed symbols and formulas in a chemical equation?

These numbers are called coefficients (number of atoms and molecules)

True or false gene cloning is an efficient means of producing large numbers of genes?

True, gene cloning, is an efficient way of producing large numbers a gene. These genes can be cloned repeatedly, at a rather as a rather efficient means.

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What does the letters and numbers means in co2?

the number of carbon dioxide molecules

In chemical reactions are the numbers of the molecules of the products more than the number of molecules of the reactants?

soemtimes yes - sometimes no. It depends on the reaction.