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the neck bone is connected to the shoulder bone.. how about you actually study the material and take the test the right way you loser...

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Q: List the major bones in the body and at least one muscle that attaches to each?
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Which muscles attach to major bones?

I know that what attaches bones to muscles is called TENDONS

Is the strongest of the hip flexor muscles?

The strongest Flexor of the hip (thigh) is illiopsoas muscle which is the merger of the illiacus and the psoas major muscle. The illiacus is on the medial side of the pelvic bone attaching to the femur and the psoas major muscle attaches from the lumbar vertebrae to the femur.

What are the major functions of your body?

bones,heart,lungs, brain, intestant, stomach, muscle,

What muscle attaches to the sternum?

intercoastals (body of sternum), Sternalis (manubrium of sternum), Sternocleidomastoid (manubrium of sternum), Pectoralis Major (body of sternum)

The main organs of the muscular system?

The major organs of the Muscular System are the muscles. The 3 types of muscles are the smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscles.

How a muscles attach to a bones?

Musclesare connected tobonesby tendons, whereas bones are connected to bonesby ligaments.Skeletal muscle is a form of striated muscle tissue which is under the control of the somatic nervous system ; that is to say, it is voluntarily controlled. It is one of three major muscle types, the others being cardiac and smooth muscle . As their name suggests, most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibers known as tendons .

What are the major roles of calcium in the bodes fluids?

Bones are made mostly of calcium compounds and calcium in its' ionic form is important in muscle contractions.

What are muscles connected to bones by?

that is an enormously vague and unhelpful question. there are many muscles in the body. Skeletal muscles attach to bones Smooth (invoulentary) muscles generally attatch to and originate in tissues Cardiac (heart) muscle is contained within the heart. These are the three types of muscle in the body. Some common examples: biceps brachii muscle: scapula and radius pectoralis major muscle: ribs, clavicle, sternum and humerus.

What major abductor muscle of the upper arm is the?

Teres major muscle

List the major bones of the body and at least one muscle that attaches to each minimum of fifteen?

1.fibula-flexor hallicus longus 2.clavicle-sternocleidomastoid; 3.sternum-pectoralis major; 4.femur-quadriceps; 5.humerus-deltoid; 6.calcaneus-gastrocnemius; 7.parietal bone-temporalis; 8.radius-biceps brachii; 9.scapula-serratus anterior; 10.mandible-platysma 11.ischium-hamstrings; 12.ilium-gluteus maximus 13.tibia-tibialis anterior 14.ulna-triceps; 15.1st rib- subclavius

What muscle that has the letter z?

zygomaticus major muscle (a facial muscle)

What muscle is referred to as the smiling muscle muscle?

zygomaticus major and minor