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Energy released from ATP

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Energy released from ATP @_@ ;D

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Energy released from ATP.

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Q: Living organisms must be able to obtain materials, change the materials into new forms, remove poisons, and move needed material from one place to another Many of these activities directly require?
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Living organisms must be able to obtain materials change the materials into new forms remove poisons and move needed material from one place to another. many of these activities directly require?

Energy released from ATP @_@ ;D

What different between Direct materials and Indirect materials?

Direct material is that material which directly involve in production of units like "wood" for furniture. Indirect material is that material which is not directly identifiable or allocatabl to product like "kneedles" in production of furniture

What raw material is limited for organisms living in a desert?

Plant materials (food) and water.

These organisms work together to recycle materials through an ecosystem?

The organisms that work together to recycle materials through an ecosystems are the producers, consumers, and decomposers. When producers and consumers die, decomposers recycle the dead material.

What is the term used for living material?

THe term used is biotic elements nonliving organisms/materials are abiotic elements

What is involved in material management?

Many things are involved in the management of material. Some things that are involved in the management of material include planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating the many activities that concern the materials.

What raw materials are essential to living things?

an organism uses outside raw materials mostly in the form of food and oxygen . the raw material required by an organisms can be quite varied depending on the complexity of an organisms and its environment

What do organisms need in order to stay alive?

adapt to their environment and live off their resources.

What is radio active material?

Radio active material that occurs naturally where human activities exposure to ionizing radiation are naturally-occurring radioactive materials, or NORM. They include uranium and thorium. Radioactive materials are mainly used in engineering and science departments. This type of material emits gamma rays or particles that as radioactive energy.

The list of old material and the improved material?

old materials and improved materials

What energy is used when living organisms are able to change materials into new forms and move needed material from one place to another?


Name the organisms that eat plant material?

Organisms that feed on dead material in this way are called saprophytes.