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Q: Loss of muscle coordination results from damage to the?
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Loss of muscle coordination results from damage to what part of the brain?

cerebellum by V. Allen :)

What damage is caused by loss of muscle coordination?


What is sarcopenia?

loss of muscle mass and strength associated with senescenceAccording to wikipedia, this is the loss of muscle tissue with aging.

What damage lateral corticospinal can cause?

It's a specific type of spinal cord (back) injury. The corticospinal tract provides the most direct pathway over which the cerebral cortex controls movement. Damage in this area often results in paralysis or loss of muscle control.

What are symptoms of Refsum's disease?

Symptoms, which usually appear by age 20, include vision problems, loss of muscle coordination, loss of sense of smell, pain, numbness, and elevated protein in the cerebrospinal fluid.

What may happen if the nerves that control the muscle are injured?

Depends on what kind of nerve damage and how severe is it If it is partial motor nerve then you feel weakness Total loss of motor nerve then you cant move that muscle and it will have no muscle tone if it is sensory nerve then you will have altered sensations total loss of sensory nerve then you wont feel a thing ...

What potential danger results from nerve damage caused by leprosy?

The loss of sensation in the fingers and toes increases the risk of injury.

What is mononeuropathy?

Mononeuropathy is damage to a single nerve or nerve group, which results in loss of movement, sensation, or other function of that nerve.

Does EPM cause weight loss in horses?

EPM does cause what is commonly termed "weight loss" in horses but a more accurate term is "muscle loss". This is because the protozoan parasite causes damage in the central nervous system that affects the horse's ability to feel and thus use portions of it's body. With lack of use, muscle deteriorates and thus a horse may loose weight from the loss of muscle.

What problem may exist in adults with Type E Niemann-Pick disease?

Some adults with Niemann-Pick disease (Type E) may also show a loss of muscle coordination.

What gross motor problems are associated with Refsum disease?

Cerebellar ataxia (brain-damage-related loss of motor coordination) can also occur with Refsum disease, leading to an unsteady gait.

How does Mercury effect the human body?

Mercury can cause memory loss, loss of coordination, vision problems