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Four haploid cells.

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Q: Meiosis starts with a single diploid cell and produces?
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Is the parent cell diploid a characteristic of meiosis not mitosis?

Mitosis starts with a diploid parent cell and ends with two diploid daughter cells. Meiosis starts with a diploid parent cell and ends with haploid daugther cells. The number of cells produced depends on the type of gamete being generated.

Does mitosis begin with haploid cell or diploid cell?

yea mitosis do begins with a haploid as well as doploid cell also..nd if the parent cell is haploid so the two daughter cells that are identical to each other will be haploid and if the parent cell is diploid so the daughter cells will be diploid.

What cell begins meiosis and mitosis?

The process of meiosis always begins with diploid cells. The chromosomes in the cells divide, so the result is four haploid cells.

How do meiosis 1 differ from those of meiosis 2?

Anaphase of Meiosis 1 separates the homologous chromosome pairs, but during Anaphase of Meiosis 2, the sister chromatids are separated instead. Also, Meiosis 1 starts with one diploid cell and ends with 2 haploid cells, whereas Meiosis 2 starts with the 2 haploid cells and ends with 4 haploid cells (gametes).

Does meiosis occur in plants?


What comes after haploid cells in meiosis?

the process of meiosis is completed after 4 haploid cells are made. It starts with (i believe) 1 diploid cell that divides into 2 diploids, then it splits and makes 4 haploid cells. then another diploid cell is required to make more haploids (again, i believe)

What is alternation of generations mean?

In most plants meiosis and fertilization divide the life of the organism into two distinct phases or "generations". * The gametophyte generation begins with a spore produced by meiosis. The spore is haploid, and all the cells derived from it (by mitosis) are also haploid. In due course, this multicellular structure produces gametes - by mitosis - and sexual reproduction then produces the diploid sporophyte generation. * The sporophyte generation thus starts with a zygote. Its cells contain the diploid number of chromosomes. Eventually, though, certain cells will undergo meiosis, forming spores and starting a new gametophyte generation. Two points revealed by plant life cycles: * Mitosis can occur in haploid cells as well as diploid ones. * A haploid set of chromosomes, and hence a single set of genes (one genome), is sufficient to control cell function in these organisms (but not in most animals). In fact, the gametophyte generation is the major stage in the life of mosses and an independent plant in ferns.

What happens in the tetrad stage?

During the tetrad stage, the metaphase I of meiosis starts to happen. When this occurs, the diploid meiocyte divides twice.

How many chromosomes are present when meiosis starts?

In humans, 46 chromosomes are present when meiosis begins. The four daughter cells that result from meiosis have 23 chromosomes.

Why is meiosis sometimes called reduction division?

Due to the fact that meiosis consists of two "phases" or cycles and goes from a diploid state (2n) to a haploid state (n) it is often times referred to as reduction division. This is because the parent cell starts off with two sets of chromosomes and the daughter cells only end up with one set of chromosomes when the entire process is complete.

When does Variation produced by sexual reproduction starts?

during meiosis

How many cells does meiosis end in?

Starts in 1 and ends in 4