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Q: Most abundant connections between cells in the superficial layers of the skin?
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What is superficial frostbite?

Superficial frostbite is only to the outer layers of the skin.

What is the superficial layers of skin?

The Stratum Corneum is the most superficial layer of skin.

Is the subaceous layer the most superficial?

No. The subcutaneous layer is under the epidermis. The word "superficial" can be defined as "outermost" for the purpose of describing skin layers, so the most superficial layer is the epidermis.

What layers of the skin are damaged from blisters?

The most superficial layers are damaged and filled with fluid. Some can be deeper but none go into the dermis.

An injury in which superficial layers of the skin are scraped or rubbed away is known as?


Which OSI model layer is responsible for the termination of connections between hosts?

There are in total seven layers in OSI model . OSI model layer that is responsible for the termination of connections between hosts is session layer . Session layer is responsible for the dialog control .

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What skin type is the more superficial dermis layer?

The most superficial part of the dermis is the papillary layer , the dermis is made up of papillary layer & Reticular layer and the papillary layer is just made up of loose connective tissue which allows movement to the epidermis and also contains capillaries and regulates the body temperature .

Scraping of the superficial layers of skin is the type of injury known as what?

Very small pinpoint hemorrhages under the skin are known as what?

What layer of the epidermis contains keratin?

The fat layer (also called the subcutaneous layer)

Is the dermis the outermost layer of the skin?

The epidermis is the superficial layer of the skin. The Integumentary System (skin) consists of two main layers the epidermis and dermis. The dermis is deeper into the body (internal), thus the deep layer of the skin, not the superficial layer. epidermisNo the epidermis is. The dermis is the innermost layer. There are only 2 layers of the skin.No the epidermis is. The dermis is the innermost layer. There are only 2 layers of the skin. no,dermis is not upper layer of skin. epidermis is superficial one,dermis is below epidermis.

What layer of the skin has continuous cell division and produces all of the other layers?

The deepest layer of the epidermis is called the stratum basale which is actively mitotic and gives rise to all the more superficial layers.