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A microscope.

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Q: Most cells are too small to see without the aid of this?
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magnify glass
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Why is it important to record magnification used when drawing cells seen using a microscope?

because cells were unable to be seen without the aid of an electron microscope

How do snakes eat small animals whole without aid of mechanical digestion?

the want to

What is the size range of typical animal cells?

Between 1 and 100 micrometers, which is why you cannot see them without the aid of a microscope.

What is the importance of staining specimen for observation under the microscope?

Most cells contain structures that are transparent and without color, which makes visualization difficult, even with the aid of a microscope. Cell staining is used to gain more information about cells and tissues, and allows for the structures within cells to be seen in great detail

How does the microscope aid the scientist?

The microscope aids the scientist by making it possible for them to see cells, get a closer look at small objects, and examining specimens

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What do microscopes do and why are they useful?

They magnify extremely small objects, many too small for the eye to see otherwise. They can be used to examine crystals, cells, bacteria, and computer chips, and can aid in delicate surgery.

What is the function of cellouse?

Cellulose provides structure and support to plant cells in their cell wall. Plant cells are more rigid and need to keep their structure more stable without the aid of a skeletal system like most animals have, so the cell wall filled with cellulose helps provide that structure.

Cells that aid in the sense of smell?

the fart

Do cells need ribosomes?

All living cells have ribosomes. The ribosomes are the " workbench " upon which proteins are synthesized. The ribosome has catabolic RNA to aid in this task and without ribosomes I can not see proteins being made, so ribosomes are vital to all living cells.

What are keratinocytes and how do they aid the immune system?

keratinocytes are the most abundant cells of the epidermis. They protect the immune system by not allowing bacteria to enter.

Who is the most intelligent person physically incapable of moving his limbs or speaking without the aid?

Stephen Hawking.