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Many sex-linked genes are found on the X chromosome. More than 100 sex-linked genetic disorders have now been mapped to the X chromosome. The human Y chromosome is much smaller than the X chromosome and appears to contain only few genes.

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Q: Most sex-linked genes are found on which chromosome x y?
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Where are most sex linked genes are found in?

Most sex-linked genes are found on the X chromosome

How do you use the word genes in a sentence?

most people in my family have a gene that makes them tall

How many genes does the chromosome carry?

The number of genes varies. Most of any chromosome consists of non-coding DNA, which does not contain any genes. Each chromosome has many chromatins. One gene consists of many chromatins. Therefore, one chromosome could have many genes.

If a characteristic is sex-linked then where is the gene for it found?

Genes for sex-linked traits can be found on the sex chromosomes - X and Y. Almost all sex-linked traits are determined by the X chromosome, because it is much larger than the Y chromosome and can thus carry more genes. A few sex-linked traits are known on the Y chromosome, including - believe it or not - hairy ears.

Which is the region of DNA within a Chromosome?

There is no specific region found near the middle of the chromosome. However, the centromere is the region of DNA that present at the primary constriction of the chromosome. In most depictions of the chromosome this is shown in the middle, but it is not necessary that it has to be in the middle.

What is the defintion of chromosome?

A chromosome is a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells. Genetic information in the form of genes are carried by chromosomes.

How does the order of genes in one member of the chromosome compare to the order of genes on the other chromosome?

Most homologous pairs look alike. They carry genes for the same characteristics and line up on the chromosome in the same order!

How does the order of the genes in one member of a chromosome pair compare to the order of genes on the other chromosome?

Most homologous pairs look alike. They carry genes for the same characteristics and line up on the chromosome in the same order!

How does the order genes in one member of a chromosome pair compare to the order of genes on the other chromosome?

Most homologous pairs look alike. They carry genes for the same characteristics and line up on the chromosome in the same order!

How does the order of genes in one member of chromosome pair compared to the order of genes on the other chromosome?

Most homologous pairs look alike. They carry genes for the same characteristics and line up on the chromosome in the same order!

How does the order of genes in one member of a chromosome pair compare the order of genes on the other chromosome?

Most homologous pairs look alike. They carry genes for the same characteristics and line up on the chromosome in the same order!

Why is telomeric chromosome unstable?

Actually the genes on a chromosome closest to the telomeres are the most unstable because they can unravel.