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Mutations that occur at random are called spontaneous mutations.

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Q: Mutations that occur at random are called?
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Related questions

What are mutations that occur at a single point?

Such mutations are called point mutation or gene mutation.

Are mutations predictable?

No, they are random, This means that they occur in no set numerical order. So, though they can not be predicted it is certain, with the mistakes made in replication and other factors, that they will occur.

Do bacteria genetic material change?

Bacteria cells have their own genetic material.

Can mutations be predicted?

No, Mutations can not be predicted and have no numeral order. Mutations are totally random AND MAY NOT BE PREDICTED!

What are known as gene mutations and occur at a single point in the DNA sequence?

Mutations that occur at a single point in the DNA sequence are Point Mutations.

Can mutations result from a need?

No! This was a failed theory. Mutations always occur on a random basis ... the result of which is that most of them are down-right bad for the organism. (Remember, evolution is "directed" by death - NOT the survival of the fittest as is often stated.)

What conditions are necessary for populations to remain in hardy Weinberg equilibrium?

Mutation cannot occur

Mutations in DNA often occur during replication During which phase of the cell cycle do such mutations occur?


What are the main sources of heritable variation in a population?

mutations, recombination, random pairing of gametes

What is a sudden permanent random change in an organism's DNA?


Can mutations occur in jellyfish?

Mutations happen in ALL living things (and also in viruses)!!!!!!

Where does the mutation occur?

A mutation can occur anywhere in any chromosome, this is because they are caused by "random" processes. The vast majority of mutations have no impact on the organism (the amount of noncoding DNA in most chromosomes is larger than the amount of DNA in functioning genes, and some mutations while they change part of a gene do not change to protein it codes for at all) in which they occur and in multicellular organisms cannot pass on to the next generation (only mutations in the cells that make egg and sperm cells can be passed on).