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Q: New cells come from old cells through cell?
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Related questions

What substance are new cells formed from?

New cells forming from pre-existing cells is called reproduction or cell division.

What do cell make other cells through?

New cells are created by existing cells through the process known as cell division.

Is meiosis involved in the production of new cells from a parent cell?

No. meiosis is involved in the production of sex cells. When these come together, the form a new individual. Mitosis produces new cells that are exactly like the parent cell. These new cells are clones of the parent cell.

Where new cells come from?

The cell theory states that cells come from other cells

Do new cells come from old cells?

They multiply, a single cell just splits into 2

Will the cell go through binary fission or mitosis and cytokinesis to produce new cells?

The cell will probably go through binary fission.

How do new cells form in plants and animal.?

In both animals and plants, cells produce new cells by mitosis - but they split differently. A cleavage farrow forms in the animal cell and it splits. For the plant cell, a cell plate forms and then the cell splits.

What does the cell theroy states?

What says that all living things are made of cells, that cells can divide to form new cells, and that all cells come from other cells?

What cells are produced through mitosis?

just the same cell just in two new cells preforming the same task

When new cells are made where do they come from?

An old cell splits in two, and then there are two cells - half the old one and the other half of the old one, both of which are 'new' individual cells.

When a bacterial cell divides into two new cells what are the new cells called?

Daughter cells

What is new cell called after cell division?

a new cell formed after cell division is called a daughter cell