

Of what four things are bones made?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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Almost every bone in your body is made of the same materials:

  • The outer surface of bone is called the periosteum (say: pare-ee-os-tee-um). It's a thin, dense membrane that contains nerves and blood vessels that nourish the bone.
  • The next layer is made up of compact bone. This part is smooth and very hard. It's the part you see when you look at a skeleton.
  • Within the compact bone are many layers of cancellous(say: kan-sell-us) bone, which looks a bit like a sponge. Cancellous bone is not quite as hard as compact bone, but it is still very strong.
  • In many bones, the cancellous bone protects the innermost part of the bone, the bone marrow (say: mair-oh). Bone marrow is sort of like a thick jelly, and its job is to make blood
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from calcium from your mums body
There are two ways bones are formed, intramembranous ossification, and endochondral ossification. Intramembranous ossification is how the flat bones are formed, while the long bones are formed with endochondral ossification.
There are two ways bones are formed, intramembranous ossification, and endochondral ossification. Intramembranous ossification is how the flat bones are formed, while the long bones are formed with endochondral ossification.

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Bones are made up of these four things;minerals, protein, water and living matter.

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