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The entire cell is a cnidoblast and it contains a stinging 'barb' called a nematocyst.

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Q: On what structure are the stinging cells of cnidarians located?
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What structure are the stinging cells of cnidarians located?

The stinging cells of cnidarians, called cnidocytes, are located on specialized structures called nematocysts. These nematocysts are found on the tentacles of cnidarians and are used for defense and capturing prey.

How do ctenophores differ from cnidarians?

Ctenophores are gelatinous creatures with rows of cilia for movement and lack stinging cells, while cnidarians have stinging cells called cnidocytes. Ctenophores also have a simpler body structure compared to the more complex body plans of cnidarians, which include jellyfish, corals, and sea anemones.

Do sponges have stinging cells?

No, most cnidarians have stinging cells, not sponges.

Why might stinging tentacles be advantageous for slow moving predators such as some cnidarians?

All Cnidarians have tentacles with stinging cells in their tips which are used to capture and subdue prey. In fact, the phylum name "Cnidarian" literally means "stinging creature." The stinging cells are called cnidocytes and contain a structure called a nematocyst.

What is the stinging cells body description?


What is the body description of stinging cells?


Do cnidarian have stinging cells?

Yes, cnidarians are animals that are jelly fish like (including jelly fish). Cnidarians have stinging cells located on there tentacle's, they explode once any thing touches it shocking (or paralyzing) any prey that passes by it.

What are some characteristics of cnidarians?

soft bodies and stinging cells

What is another word for stinging cells?

I think it's called cnidarians

What are the 2 types of body structures of cnidarians?

Stinging cells ,tentacles .

What is one type of cell all cnidarians have?

Cnidarians all have stinging cells called nematocysts with which to catch their prey.

Where Are the Stinging Cells of a Jellyfish Located?

The stinging cells in a jellyfish are located in it's tentacles.