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Genes on different chromosomes assort independently of each other by dint of the fact that they are on different chromosomes. The closer a gene is to another on the same chromosome the more likely they are to remain together even with crossing


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They are on different chromosomes.

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Q: One of the main reasons genes assort independent of one another is that?
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What assorts independently during meiosis?

Genes assort independently if they are on different chromosomes. If a pair of genes are on the same chromosome, it depends on how far apart they are to determine the chances of them staying together or moving apart.

The father apart two genes are located on a chromosome?

The farthest apart two genes are located on a chromosome the less likely they are to be inherited together. If two genes are on the same chromosome and rarely assort independently the genes are probably located close to each other.

What led to scientists accepting Mendels ideas?

Ideas of Mendel about inheritance of different traits could be explained on the basis of meiotic studies where it was found that the contrasting characters governed by specific genes are free to assort randomly.

What are genes that do not undergo independent assortment called?

Linked genes.

What does a frequency of recombination of 50 percent indicate?

A recombination frequency is a measure of how likely it is that two genes are linked. It will also tell how likely it is that a crossing over event will occur between those two genes. Thus, for an RF=50% it is random as to whether or not the genes will be inherited together or whether crossing over will separate them (i.e. they independently assort). Traditionally, following Mendel's Second Law (that alleles of genes independently assort), an RF=50% means that the two genes are on different chromosomes; a slightly more complicated corollary is that the two genes need not be on different chromosomes but may be on the same chromosome just very far apart from each other. Thus, the smaller the RF (maximum RF is 50%), the more likely it is that two genes are linked.

Related questions

Do linked genes assort indepently?


Why it is chromosomes not individual genes that assort independently?

For two genes to assort independently, they must reside on different chromosomes or be located far from each other.

What are the structures that actually assort independently?

Genes assort independently if they are on different chromosomes. If a pair of genes are on the same chromosome, it depends on how far apart they are to determine the chances of them staying together or moving apart.

What is assort?

the random distribution of the pairs of genes on different chromosomes to the gametes

Why do chromosomes assort independently?

Chromosomes have no direction in how they assort other than that they align in homologous pairs. The individual genes are part of the chromosomes and go wherever the chromosome goes just like the motors of cars go wherever the car goes.

Is it true that the genotypes of the f1 offspring indicated to mendel that genes assort independently?


Explain how two genes on the same chromosome can still assort independently?

the genes are probably located close to each other.

What do you know today that makes his Law of Independent Assortment not true at least in some cases?

In some cases genes are so close together (linked) normal crossing over does not occur and therefore the alleles do no assort independently.

The process that separates the two alleles of a gene is called?

If the genes are not connected, then they should segregate independently, or undergo independent assortment. This produces four possible types of gametes: RY, Ry, rY, and ry. In addition, if the genes assort independently.

How is chromosome gene linkage and exception to the law of independent assortment?

Independent assortment can take place only if genes are located on different homologous chromosomes .Mendel was lucky because 7 traits he studied were located on different homologous chromosomes .Bateson 1906 noted first deviation from Mendles law and it was explained by Morgan . Linked genes can't assort independently as they are transfered en block .

Organisms generally have many genes that seemingly assort independently than the number of their chromosomes this phenomenon is due to?

Crossing over.

What assorts independently during meiosis?

Genes assort independently if they are on different chromosomes. If a pair of genes are on the same chromosome, it depends on how far apart they are to determine the chances of them staying together or moving apart.