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13y ago
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8y ago

It is not a cell. It is a cell organelle.It is called the lysosomes.

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12y ago

The main Forms are known as Peroxisomes.

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13y ago

book says lysosomes

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12y ago

Lysosomes .

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Q: Organelles that contain enzymes that break down old cell parts?
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Which organelles contains enzymes that break down damaged cells?

Lysosomes are the organelles in charge of getting rid of cellular debris, including cell parts that are damaged. Lysosomes contain fifty different types of enzymes that can breakdown all kinds of biomolecules.

What does a lysosome do in a cell?

Found in animal cells, lysosomes are cellular organelles that contain enzymes that break down waste materials and cellular debris, including old organelles.

Which organelle contains enzymes that break down damaged cell parts?

Lysosomes are the organelles in charge of getting rid of cellular debris, including cell parts that are damaged. Lysosomes contain fifty different types of enzymes that can breakdown all kinds of biomolecules.

Lysosomes arise from the Golgi apparatus and have several functions what is one of these functions?

Lysosomes contain degrading enzymes that break down proteins, carbs, nuclei acids and lipids. Lysosomes also break down old organelles and recycle their component parts, making room for new organelles to form.

What organelles known as contain chemicals that break down food particles and old cell parts?

lysosomes (lol)

What Breaks down waste and worn out cell parts.?

Lysosomes, which contain hydrolytic enzymes, are the organelles responsible for breaking down food, waste, and worn out cell parts in the cells.

What is found only in animal cells that contains digestive enzymes to break down old cell parts and debris?

A group of cell organelles known as lysosomes.

What organelles contain chemicals that break down food particles and old cell parts?

the answer in Lysosomes PS.I have the same worksheet ;D

When cell parts such as organelles break down they are recycled by what?

the lysosome

What breaks down food wastes and worn out cell parts?

A decomposer breaks down dead organisms for nutrients.

Cells contain smaller parts known as organelles. The nucleus, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and vacuoles are all examples of organelles. What do these organelles have in common?

They are all enclosed by a membrane.

A cell is a complex assembly of working parts?
