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Usually plants and they are known as autotrophs or autotrophic.

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Q: Organisms that produce their own food are?
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All organisms that can not produce their own food are called .?

All organisms that can not produce their own food, are called heterotrophs.

What are organisms called that can not produce their own food?

An organism that cannot produce its own food is called a Heterotroph.

What are the names for organisms that produce their own food and those that do not produce their own food?

Producer produce their own foods; consumers do not.

What organisms produce their own food?

Autotrophs produce their own food. Some autotrophs include plants.

What are organisms that produce their own food?

The answer is autotroph

Are plants are only organism in an ecosystem that can produce their own food?

Are plants the only organisms in an ecosystem that produce their own food? Ans:yes

Is a fish a consumer or a producer?

a consumer because it doesnt produce its own food it feeds of of other organisms

Do mushrooms produce their on food?

Mushrooms do not produce their own food, they live off the decay of other organisms.

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Can organisms produce their own food?

no photoautotrophic & chemoautotrophic organismc CAN...

Why photosynthetics organisms are called producers?

They produce their own food.

What organism cannot produce their food?

The only organisms that can produce their own food are plants this process is known as photosynthesis.They make their own food using sunlight.