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3mo ago

The image is projected onto the retina, which is a light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye. The retina contains photoreceptor cells that convert light signals into electrical signals, which are then transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve for processing.

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Q: Part of eye on which image is projected?
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What is an image called that can be seen but not projected on a screen?

An image that can be seen but not projected on a screen is called a real image. Real images are formed when light rays converge at a point, creating a visible image that can be observed with the naked eye. They are not able to be projected onto a screen like virtual images.

The place in the back of your eye that receives images is called the?

The retina is the reflective tissue at the back of the eye on which images are projected.

Description of the image form in the eye?

If you could see the image projected onto the retina of the eye by the lens, it would be of the environment that the person in question is looking at, but upside down.

What is a difference between a real image and virtual image?

A real image is formed when light rays actually converge at a point, creating an image that can be projected onto a screen. A virtual image, on the other hand, is formed by the apparent intersection of the extended light rays, and cannot be projected onto a screen.

What is an image which can be projected onto a screen is called?

It is called a real image. Only a real image can be projected onto a screen.

Do convex lens give a real image?

Yes, a convex lens can create a real image when the object is placed beyond the focal point of the lens. This real image can be projected onto a screen and can be captured by a camera or observed directly by the eye.

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If an image can be formed on screen it is classified as real. Virtual images cannot be projected on an image.

What is the part of the eye which the image is form?


What part of camera act as a retina?

The camera sensor is the part that acts as a retina in a camera. It is responsible for capturing light and converting it into a digital image, similar to how the retina in our eyes captures light and sends signals to our brain for processing.

Is true of a real image?

a real image can be projected

What is part of the eye that forms an image on the retina?

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What part of the eye is the inverted image formed?

The inverted or upside-down image is formed on the retina.