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The side of the brain that looks like a Seahorse.

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Q: Part of the brain that is seahorse shaped?
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Dragon, Seahorse

What part of the brain is shaped like an almond?

That would be the amygdala

Why are seahorses shaped like a horse?

Only the head of a seahorse is shaped like a horse, and it is coincidential.

Is hippocampus zosterae a structure in the brain?

No, it's a seahorse!

Is a seahorse a plankton?

A seahorse isn't a placental mammal; it's a type of fish, genus hippocampus. Seahorses are part of the same order as pipefish, Syngnathiformes. The seahorse's head is shaped like that of a horse.Seahorse can, however, be another name for walrus, which is a placental mammal.The hippopotamus was also called a seahorse during the 1800s.

What job does the seahorse have?

A seahorse plays a role in the ocean of the savior they are a part of the food chain and stuff eats the seahorse

What is the name for a sea horse?

A Seahorse Is Called a Seahorse Because Its head is shaped liked a seahorse and it move like a seahorse Byy BB .x

What is the largest and second largest part of your brain?

The biggest part of the brain is the cerebrum. The cerebrum makes up 85% of the brain's weight. The cerebrum is the thinking part of the brain and it controls your voluntary muscles - the ones that move when you want them to. The cerebellum is a motor region of the brain, dealing with the subconscious movements of the muscles. This butterfly-shaped section is the second largest area of the brain. The cerebellum deals with coordination, posture, and balance.

What is the uncus?

Any hook-shaped or curved part of a body process. esp. the hippocampal gyrus in the temporal lobe of the brain. Hope i helped :)

What are some similes for a seahorse?

As delicate as a seahorse As small as a seahorse As colourful as a seahorse As light as a seahorse As pretty as a seahorse Hope this helps :) xx

What is a cone shaped structure in brain?

It is the Pineal Gland.

Which part of the seahorse help it to steer in water?

its tail helps it to steer in water.