

Photosynthesis in plants

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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The process of plants producing energy for growth

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Where do plants get energy for photosynthesis?

where do plants get energy for photosynthesis

How do plants make chlorophyll?

Plants make chlorophyll by the process of photosynthesis.

Who is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is not a person. It is a process done by plant to get energy

What plants are involved in photosynthesis?

All plants, some protists, bacteria and blue green algae uses the sun to make photosynthesis. Plants use photosynthesis to create energy that then makes sugar for nutrient.

Do cotton plants use photosynthesis?

All plants use photosynthesis.

How plants get the process of photosynthesis?

Plants got the process of photosynthesis by means of evolution.

How plants make food?

photosynthesis photosynthesis

What is resonsible for carrying on photosynthesis within plants?

Chloroplasts are responsible for carrying on photosynthesis in plants.

What process is common in plants?

photosynthesis is the process in which plants change sunlight into energy

The process by which plants make energy is called?

The process by which plants make energy is called Photosynthesis.

Does photosynthesis happen in all plants?

no,photosynthesis do not happen in all plants because all plants do not have cholophyll . plants that are green have cholophyll. so

What happeneds to the sugar in photosynthesis?

the sugar produced by photosynthesis is the plants 'food.' it is the point of the process. plants 'do' photosynthesis to get sugar, which they 'consume' in a way.