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Transverse plane divides the body into a superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portion.

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Q: Plane divides the body into upper and lower portions?
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What plane divides the body and its parts into superior and inferior portions?

Axial plane (Transverse Plane) which is a horizontal plane that divides the body or any of its parts into upper and lower parts. If you mean the entire body, it runs horizontality through the umbilicus or navel.

What is the name of the plane that divides the body into upper and lower sections?

horizontal plane

Which plane is the only horizontal plane?

it is the Transverse plane. the transverse, or horizontal plane is a crosswise plane that runs parallel to the ground. this imaginary cut would divide the body or its parts into upper and lower portions.

What are the three planes of movement?

1. Frontal plane is also called (Coronal Plane)- Divides the body into front and back halves. 2. Saggittal plane- Divides the body into left and right division. 3. Transverse plane- Horizontal division that divides the body into upper and lower halves. -Mariah Pappan

What divides the upper and lower airway?

The glottis is dividing line between the upper and lower airway

What membrane divides the body into an upper and lower half?

The diaphragm

What does the horizontal plane divide?

The horizontal plane divide the upper part from the lower part. You do not have any specific point through the plane passes. Tentatively you can divide upper part from thorax onwards from the lower part, which include the abdomen. But there is not a single plane, which will divide the body into upper and lower parts.

What are the anatomical position planes of reference?

You have three such planes. First is sagittal plane. Sagitta means arrow. So this vertical plane enters your body like and arrow. It divides your body in two equal parts. Then you have a coronal plane at right angle to this plane. It divides your body into anterior and posterior parts. Then you have a transverse plane to make your body into two parts. That is upper and lower parts, when you stand erect.

What separates the upper body from the lower body?

The transverse plane

What is the anatomical plane?

Anatomical Plane -An imaginary surface formed by extension through any axis of the body or through two definite points on the body. Coronal (frontal or lateral) Plane - Plane running from left to right, dividing the body into a front and back portion. Midsagittal (median) Plane - Plane passing longitudinally through the middle of the body from front to back, dividing it into right and left halves. Sagittal (anterior-posterior) Plane - Plane that runs from front to back, cutting the body into a right and a left part. Transverse - Plane that runs across the body, dividing it into a top and bottom portion; also known as the horizontal plane.

Why right lung has a middle lobe but not the left lung?

the bronchi divides into two, right and left. the right again divides into 3 lobar bronchiloes for three lobes- upper, middle and lower. while the left divides into 2 lobar bronchioles for the two lobes of left lung i.e upper and lower.

What is the name of the anatomical plane that separate upper from lower?

This is known as transverse(the plane orthogonal to the anteroposterior or oral-aboral axis.)