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The cell wall and chloroplasts are not present in animal cells although they are both present in animal cells.

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Q: Plant and animal cells are both eukaryotic and thus they are similar in many ways However plant cells have some structures that are not present in animal cells Which of the following structures ar?
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Protists are Eukaryotic cells, so they will have a nucleus (and a nucleolus), like humans.

Where is DNA stored in a eukaryotic cells?

DNA of eukaryotic cell is present in nucleus.

How many types of nucleus are present in eukaryotic organisms?

there are 2 types of nucleus present and this are: eukaryotic & prokaryotic

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Is a chicken eukaryotic?

Eukaryotic cells (eukaryotes) are present in all animals, plants and fungi. A chicken is an animal so they have eukaryotic cells.

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Which eukaryotic organelles are not present in all eukaryotic cells?

There are several organells.Some are vellwall,chloroplast ,centrioles etc

Is paramecium a eukaryotice cell?

Yes Paramecium possess eukaryotic cell . Eukaryotic means nucleus is present in cell .

What cell has the Golgi bodies?

Most body cells have a golgi body (apparatus) present in them. Cells that perform protein synthesis have them as they can later the protein before it is released from the cell. However cells that have them are eukaryotic cells (Those which have a nucleus present in them) however cells that dont have this in are

What structures are found in both eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells?

Ribosomes, Cytoplasm, and DNA.

Which cell organelle is not present in Eukaryotes?

A Eukaryotic cell does not have a flagellum.

What is the eukaryotic cell?

eukaryotic cells are those cells which have a proper nuclear membranRE.... in it membrane bound orgenelles are also present