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Plants use sugars produced during photosynthesis to make organic compounds. Photosynthesis is a plants method of making food for itself.

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Q: Plants use sugars produced during what to make organic compounds?
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What do plants use in photosynthesis to make carbon-containting molecules?

During photosynthesis the plants use ribulose 1, 5-diphosphate and Carbon dioxide to make carbon containing organic compounds.

What are grren plants?

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There three molecules produced by photosynthesis. These molecules are oxygen gas, adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, or NADPH.

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How do you explain what is meant by carbon fixation?

The process by which photosynthetic organisms such as plants turn inorganiccarbon (usually carbon dioxide) into organic compounds (us. Carbohydrates). email me at if you need a better clarification

What takes place during photosynthesis by a plant?

Photolysis of water and assimilation of CO2 to make organic compounds

What are 3 organic compounds in cellular respiration?

The role of organic compounds in cellular respiration is to start cellular respiration. Cellular Respiration is a process that creates ATP. So, in order to create ATP you'll need organic compounds. Organic Compounds are converted into ATP during Cellular Respiration. This is the role of organic compound in cellular respiration.

The food produced by plants during photosynthesis is used?

By both the plants and the animals that eat them

What carbon dioxide is collected at night and then processed by day?

CO2 at night is collected from respiration of plants and animals. During the day time it is processed in photosynthesis to form organic compounds like glucose and releases oxygen into air.