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The vestibulocochlear nerve, CN viii, which carries information or dirction of gravitational pull from the semicircular cannals to the brain.

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Q: Problems in balance may follow trauma to what nerve?
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Why can't you talk straight?

If the nerve damage is in the feet, or legs, this causes difficulty maintaining balance. Nerve damage is most commonly caused by diabetes, however it can also be the result of infection, trauma, alcoholism, nutrient deficiencies, trauma, autoimmune diseases and medications, such as side effects from chemotherapy.

Can sixth nerve palsy be caused by a traumatic fall to the ground?

If the head was involved in the trauma, then yes. Various studies of isolated extraocular nerve palsies/paralyses show that the sixth cranial nerve is the most susceptible to damage from trauma. This is due to the tortuosity and length of the abducens nerve.

Does the auditory nerve help with balance?

Yes. This nerve has got very important role to play with your balance.

Which cranial nerve controls both body balance and hearing?

I believe that the vestibulocochlear nerve controls balance and hearing.

Swelling and nerve damage can result from?

Trauma, injury to the affected area.

What pathway does a nerve impulse follow after initiated into a receptor?

nerve my a$$ nerve

What is the name of the nerve that takes information about balance and hearing to the brain?

The vestibular part of the vestibulocochlear nerve will send information about the equilibrium and balance.

What problems can dildo's cause women?

Tearing and abrasions which can lead to staph and yeast infections, bacterial pelvic infections, and urinary/kidney infections. Nerve damage can also occur when there is scarring from repeated trauma or infections, or because of muscle trauma which may or may not resolve. It may become difficult for the woman to control bowel and bladder functions because of nerve damage to the region.

What is the role of the vestibular nerve?


When Trauma to a nerve of this plexus may cause a wrist drop?

Sacral plexus

How does a nerve impulse follow all or nothing principle?

How does a nerve impulse follow the all-or-nothing principle???

Most descriptive of the phrenic nerve?

senory nerve concerned with balance 215