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These are called molecules.

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These are called molecules.

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Q: Pure substances that have properties entirely different from the atoms that make it up are?
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An element that has the same chemical properties as other atoms of that elementbut that has a different number of neutrons is?


What are the building blocks of all substances?


What is the simplest substances in nature composed of the same atoms?

Hydrogen gas

What does molecule mean?

A molecule is the smallest particle of a substance (material or "matter") that retains its characteristic chemical identity - e.g. texture, colour-, physical properties - behavior as a solid, liquid, gas or other state at different temperatures and pressures - and its chemical properties - how it reacts with other substances. A molecule may be as small as a single atom of an element - elements as found in the periodical table, e.g. helium atoms, gold atoms - or may be a structure of several atoms linked to one another. For example, a molecule of water is two hydrogen atoms connected to one oxygen atom. Some molecules may be very large and geometrically complex, such as the molecules - like DNA, proteins and other organic compounds - that make up living systems.

Isomers in carbohydrates?

Isomers are molecules or molecular compounds that are similar in that they have the same molecular formula, however have different arrangements of the atoms or groups of atoms (functional groups) involved. while Stereo isomerism comes from the Greek word,stereos, meaning solid, i.e. objects existing spatially in three dimensions.As an example, glucose, while maintaining its basic structure, can arrange its atoms or functional groups in a number of different, spatial arrangements, forming a number of isomersof glucose, with different properties.

Related questions

What do all substances have?

atoms! also, you can say that all substances have physical and chemical properties.

Different elements are made up of different kinds of?

Elements can be combined in several different ways. Elements which undergo no chemical reactions when combined are called mixtures. Normally, the elements in a mixture retain their original properties, but metals can be combined into mixtures called alloys to produced new properties, though these properties tend to be the intermediate sum of the collective properties of the metals involved. Elements which combine chemically to produce entirely new substances are called chemical compounds.

Dalton experimented with different substances what did his results suggest?

That elements combine in certain properties because they are made of single cell atoms

What do different kinds of atoms make?

Different kinds of atoms combine to form molecules, which are the building blocks of all substances. The specific arrangement and combination of atoms determine the properties and characteristics of different substances. For example, hydrogen and oxygen atoms combine to form water molecules, while carbon atoms combine to form various organic compounds.

What is cemistry?

deals with the composition and properties of substances

Why do different elements have different properties?

Elements have different properties because elements can be further divided than atoms and can be mixed by another element

What are the different types of atoms that make up all of the naturally occurring substances?

They are different kinds of atoms, plain as that Various numbers of protons, electrons, and neutrons that make them all different and have various properties There are many types of atoms such as Metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids, Noble Gases, Radioactive, Transition Metals, and such

What can electrons do for an atom to form a bond?

Chemical bonding is the joining of atoms to form new substances. The properties of these new substances are different from the properties of the original elements. An interaction that holds two atoms together is called a chemical bond. When chemical bonds form, electrons are shared, gained, or lost.

Why can you make millions of different substances from these different types of atoms?


Atoms of different substances do not join chemically in a?

In an element.

Substances that result from the union of two or more different atoms is what?

Well the question I was asked was "The union of two or more atoms of the same element, or the smallest part of a compound that retains the compound's properties is called a(n)" A molecule.

Why can carbon substances have have very different properties?

That is because Carbon Atoms are formed in different ways!Depending on the arrangement of the carbon atoms, they form different things. For example, carbon can form: Diamond, graphite and coal. They are all made from carbon, but have different arrangement of carbon atoms.