

Sentence with spur

Updated: 6/11/2024
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9y ago

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As the office manager, she used financial incentives to spur her employees to produce better results. Spur can be used as a noun or a verb.

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1mo ago

The coach's motivational speech served as a spur for the team to push themselves harder in the final minutes of the game.

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what is a nasal bone spur?

A nasal bone spur is a bony growth that develops on the nasal septum, which is the wall that separates the two nasal passages. It can cause symptoms like blockage, difficulty breathing, and nosebleeds. Treatment may involve medications, nasal sprays, or surgery to remove the spur.

Can hip bone spurs grow back?

Hip bone spurs may regrow after surgical removal in some cases, but this is relatively uncommon. However, the presence of underlying conditions that contribute to bone spur formation, such as arthritis, can lead to new bone spur formation over time. It's important to address the underlying cause to help prevent future bone spur growth.

A calcium deposit in the plantar fascia near its attachment to the calcaneus heel bone is known as?

A calcium deposit in the plantar fascia near its attachment to the calcaneus heel bone is known as a calcaneal spur or heel spur. This condition can cause pain and discomfort in the heel area, particularly with weight-bearing activities like walking or running. Treatment may include rest, stretching exercises, orthotics, or in some cases, injections or surgery.

Can bone spur in my foot consider as disability?

A bone spur in your foot alone may not be considered a disability unless it significantly impairs your ability to perform major life activities like walking or standing. To be classified as a disability, the condition must substantially limit one or more major life activities. It is best to consult with a medical professional or disability specialist for a proper evaluation.

How many foliage leaves are in a spur?

Typically, there are 2-4 foliage leaves in a spur, which are characterized by short, compact shoots that bear clusters of flowers along their length. The exact number of leaves can vary depending on the plant species and its specific growth habits.

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Let me spur your progress.

How do you use spur in a short sentence?

Spur your team to victory!

Use spur in a Sentence?

The fans did spur for their home team to win.ATM

How do you use spur in a sentence?

Extensions to a ring-main are made by running a spur from the nearest socket.

How do you use the word spur in a sentence?

I dug the spur into the horse's side, causing him to gallop faster.

How do you use the word spur of the moment in a sentence?

I wasn't sure what to do so killed the rat, it was on the spur of the moment

Can you give a sentence for the word spur?

The cowboy kicked the horse with his spurs.                           OR On the spur of the moment, I told a funny joke that had the nurses in stitches.

Can you guve me a sentence with spur?

Hopefully the encouragement from the supervisor will spuron improved work from the employee.

A branch from a ring final circuit is usually described as a?


What is spur formation?

What is spur formation?

Which word comes first spur or spurts?

"Spur" comes before "spurts" in alphabetical order.

Does an echidna have a hind leg spur?

The echidna has a spur on its hind legs but, unlike the platypus, the spur is not attached to a functional venom gland. The spur is also blunt.