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Yes,surely.Frenulum must be removed.Frenum less feelings are gr8,can not express.I have done it recently.i am un circumcised

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Q: Should the frenulum of the penis stay intact or be removed?
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What does it mean when your frenulum feels tight?

A tight frenulum could indicate frenulum breve, a condition where the frenulum is too short or constricting, causing discomfort during sexual activity or when retracting the foreskin. It can lead to pain, tearing, or difficulty with sexual intercourse, and may require medical attention for evaluation and potential treatment.

What happens to the duration you can make love if the frenulum being removed?

You'll have an easier time, because it will be easier for the penis to move.

What is the thing that is attached to your foreskin and your penis head?

The frenulum.

Can you have your frenulum breve removed?

Yes, frenuloplasty is a common surgical procedure to treat frenulum breve. It involves lengthening or loosening the frenulum to reduce tightness and improve range of motion. In more severe cases, frenulectomy (complete removal of the frenulum) may be necessary. It's important to discuss with a healthcare provider to determine the best course of action.

What is te name of the skin connecting the foreskin to the penis?

This structure is called the frenulum.

What connects the foreskin?

The piece of skin that connects the penis head to the shaft is called the frenulum.

How do you wear nirodh?

First the wrapper should be removed. Then roll over the fabric in the hardened penis. It should cover the penis fully

Frenulum Breve what to do?

Don't panic! Go to the doctor, they can freeze your penis and cut it. After about a couple weeks you will be as good as new.

What portion of the penis is removed by circumcision?

The idea of circumcision is to remove only the lose tubular piece of mucosal skin known as the prepuce or foreskin. leaving the rest of covering skin of the penis and frenulum alone. However in the case of infant circumcision this is not so easily achieved as a newborns penis is so small. The result should be to leave the glans penis totally unprotected and exposed to the elements. This form of male genital mutilation is a religious and cultural rite. any medical benefit is denied by all major medical schools and organisations.

Is it normal that your colts penis does not drop out of the sheath?

This depends on the age of the colt - under 6 months is not an issue. However, by about 2 years of age the young stallion should be able to protract and retract his penis. An inability to do this can indicate a persistent frenulum, which is the membrane that keeps the penis safely within the prepuce/sheath and should naturally break down as the colt matures.

Should you get your foreskin removed?

No, the frenulum has a lower chance of being torn if it is left intact after a circumcision if you think it can be torn regardless. The frenulum is the most erogenous zone of the male body, the removal of it is an abomination. If you remove the frenulum, you destroy the male's ability to have the amount of pleasure he would normally have. Circumcision should be done only a as LAST RESORT. Circumcision in general reduces sensitivity and removes perfectly healthy tissue. If a male has phimosis, then other methods may be used, circumsision is not necessary. It violates human rights and mutilates the penis. It's just a no brainier: if you are pro-unnecessary circumcision, you are a psychopath.

What is forkskin?

It's foreskin, not forkskin. Foreskin is the skin that covers the glans penis (penis head). Every male is born with it, but it's sometimes removed by circumcision. The only countries in which the majority of the population are circumcised are USA and Israel. Jewish people circumcise their boys for religious reasons, while Americans do it by tradition. The foreskin protects the glans and keeps it healthy and shiny, while circumcision allows the glans to become tough and less sensitive. During sexual intercourse the foreskin bunches up stimulating the female g-spot while cushioning penis and the vagina from friction causes by the bare glans rubbing against the vulva. Most men with a foreskin can retract it at well, and some do this to urinate or masturbate. Most men's foreskin will retract by itself when the penis becomes erect. In this state intact, and circumcised penises look the same other than the frenulum on the intact penis. If you want to learn more, read the wikipedia article on the foreskin.