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Anaphase and telephase-Anaphase begins when the paired centromeres of each chromosome separate, liberating the sister chromatids, which begin moving toward opposite poles of the cell. At telophase, the chromosomes have reached the poles and daughter nuclei form.

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Q: Single sister chromatids are found in cells at mitotic?
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What happens to sister chromatids in meiosis?

They separate in anaphase and become chromosomes in new daughter cells

How will chromosome segregation be affected if the centrioles are mispositioned in the cell and a functional mitotic spindle fails to form?

Sister chromatids will not be divided equally among daughter cells.

What are the two major events during the mitotic phase of the cell cycle?

The two major events that occur during the mitotic phase of the cell cycle are the alignment of the chromosomes in the middle of the cell and the separation of replicated chromosomes or sister chromatids.

What happens to the amount of chromosomes during cell division?

During cell division the chromosomes are copied and they form sister chromatids. Then the mitotic spindle attaches to the sister chromatids and pulls them apart, splitting the nucleus in two. Then the cell goes through cytokenesis and the cell membrane is pinched together in the center, this divides the organelles and the cytoplasm between the two daughter cells.

How do cells produced at the end of Telophase II compare to the cells that started the process?

Starting cells have two chromatids in each chromosome while end cells have single chromatids .

Which molecules is critical for the proper separation of sister chromatids?

The molecule critical for the proper separation of sister chromatids is called cohesin. Cohesin is a protein complex that holds the sister chromatids together during cell division. It helps ensure that the sister chromatids are accurately and evenly separated into two daughter cells.

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What is the genetic content of diploid cell during G1 phase?

There are 46 individual chromosomes (not sister chromatids) in human cells. In G2 they replicate and 46 pairs of sister chromatids are present

How do sister chromatids differ from homologous chromosomes?

Sister chromatids are identical while homologous chromosomes are merely similar.They are different because they separate the cells and then they become babies but only the homologous chromosomes do.

Which of the two meiotic divisions is similar to the first mitotic division?

Yes, in that the sister chromatids of the homologous chromosomes separate into four new daughter cells. However, the result is four genetically non-identical daughter cells with only one set of 23 chromosomes.

What events occur in the end of meiosis?

sister chromatids are seperated.

What phase of meiosis do spindle fiber move sister chromatids to the center of the cells?

prophase 1