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lol how should i know im 11

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Q: Some plant cell are put in water they neither take nor loose water what can you say about the strength of cell sap and external solution?
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What is hypotonic salt solution?

It's a solution that has a lower concentration of salts than your body. If you were to drink it, you would loose salts and/or gain water.

How do you loose inches from your waist?

Good old healthy eating habits and cardio mixed with strength training.

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It means that it can loose strength or momentum, that the product stopped and started up again

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Yes, because they loose the source they draw from, the oceans.

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sodium bicarb or normal saline

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Grit can be defined as particles of sand or dirt that is loose. Grit can also mean the strength of one's character.

Do you loose some bandwith by going wireless?

Depending on the signal strength and type of wireless, you can potentially lose speed.

When does a tornado loose it's strength?

Tornadoes usually lose strength when the warm, moist air that feeds the parent storm, usually by an influx of cooler air from the rainy or downdraft part of the storm.

How can you tone up your waistline?

Toning is a misconception. You can loose overall weight but your body ultimately decides where and when it will burn off the fat. With this in mind loose fat in general and strength your abs and you will make them more defined.

How do you say Anita and maria are fun?

No, they're not funny, they're just friends. Neither are they "loose" if that's the fun you're talking about.