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speculated genetic possibilities .

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Q: Speciation is founded on the principle of genetic mutations and?
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Related questions

Are all mutations generic?

Yes. All mutations of the genetic material are genetic.

Changes in DNA are called mutations?

the answer is mutations.......................

What is the ultimate source of variation needed for evolutionary change?


What are the genetic mutations of dinosaurs?

HA! there are no genetic mutations! DINOSAURS ARE DINOSAURS! DINOSAURS ARE DINOSAURS! no mutants

What genetic material are called mutations?

Sudden genetic change in the DNA of an organism called mutations.

Are genetic mutations always harmful to the individual?

Genetic mutations are not always harmful to the individual. A few may be beneficial.

What is a source of genetic variation that refers to a random error in the genetic code?

Mutations involve changes in the DNA code.

Which increases genetic variation?


Relate genetic variation and mutations to each other?

mutations cause genetic variation, and vice-versa. If there is a genetic variation (or lack of one), then this can effect the severity of the mutation.

Breeders can increase the genetic variation by inducing what?

The introduction of animals into a breeding population that are unrelated will increase genetic variation.

How can mutations affect protein synthesis in cells What is the result?

Mutations can be a source of genetic

How do change Genetic equilibrium lead to speciation?

Allele frequency is altered by genetic drift, natural selection, migration, mutation, or nonrandom mating. This results in a change in genetic equilibrium in a population that is evolving. Evolution leads eventually to speciation.