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Gylcolysis takes place in the cytosol of the cell. Krebs and the ECT are located in the mitochondria.

First you have glycolysis

That has 10 steps with many rxns but the products is 4 ATP and 2 NADH, but you use 2 ATP so your net is 2ATP and 2NADH

Next is Krebs, Citric Cycle, or tricarboxlic cycle(same cycle different names).

That cycle has a lot of steps and enezymes involved also, but it produces NADH, FADH2, CO2 and GTP(another form of ATP, guanine is made instead of adenine).

Next the high energy carriers, NADH and FADH2 are carried to the ETC, electron transport chain. There, the electrons of the NADH and FADH2 are pumped down the ETC. As that happens protons from the NADH and FADH2 are pumped out of the mitochondrial matrix. This creates a proton gradient which powers the most important membrane protein to man...the ATPase or ATP synthase. The protons flow down their electrochemical gradient through the ATPase. When that happens the head of the ATPase spins and attaches a free phosphate to ADP making ATP. This is called phosphrylation. The ADP is phophrylated to ATP. Lastly the electrons from the ETC hooks up with O2 to make H2O. This last steps produces +/- 32 ATP's

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2d ago

Anaerobic cellular respiration involves the breakdown of glucose into energy without oxygen. The process begins with glycolysis, where glucose is converted into pyruvate. From there, pyruvate is converted into either lactic acid in animal cells or ethanol and carbon dioxide in yeast cells.

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14y ago

SAS' Cell Biology Page

Anaerobic Respiration (Glycolysis)

Just like a car engine that needs a spark energized from the car's battery before it can convert gasoline into energy, anaerobic respiration (glycolysis), also needs a boast of energy to get started. So in the first step, glucose becomes charged by 2ATP with a little help from an enzyme, receiving two organic phosphates from the 2ATPs. Glucose becomes Fructose-1,6-phosphate, for the phosphate has been attached to the 1st carbon and the 6th carbon on glucose.

This charge from ATP pushes the process along, like being pushed uphill, reaching the top, and down you have a fast coast downhill. After this step, Fructose 1,6-diphosphate is split in half by the enzyme Triose phosphate isomerase, forming two glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, the phosphate being attached to the third carbon of glyceraldehyde.

Now its time to get a little of the energy back. In the next two steps, energy is released from Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, producing NADH and ATP. Since we have two Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphates, the 2ATP used earlier to start the reaction has been returned, plus an extra 2NADPH have been made.

Notice that the big change to glyceraldehyde is the addition of another organic phosphate. That sets up the next step, where ATP is made.

Now, lets go after that last organic phosphate group, and lets make some more ATP.

So at the end of anaerobic respiration(glycolysis), 2ATP were used to start the reaction, but 4ATP and 2NADH were made, a net product of 2ATP and 2 NADH. Energy has been released from glucose now, which could be used for that run, or the boring lecture.

The end product is pyruvate, but pyruvate is not very stable in our cells. So pyruvate is converted into lactic acid, using NADH. The following chemical equation shows how pyruvate is converted.

Lactic acid gives your muscles that burn after a long run, or strenuous work over a long period.

Ahh, but you are yawning now. Need a little oxygen to pull more energy from that molecule of glucose. Now we are entering the pathways of aerobic respiration.

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13y ago

none of your beez wax

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