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twin studies.

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Q: Strong evidence for a genetic basis to intelligence is derived from?
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List of reasons why evolution is true?

There is strong evolutionary evidence by people such as Darwin.There is evidence in our biological structures ie: bones and DNA in particular.Although evolution (the theory) is debated there is very strong evidence (look at Darwins books and research)

Species drift to form a new species?

I think you mean genetic drift. Genetic drift is not strong enough in itself to cause speciation generally. Genetic drift is merely a sampling error in allele frequency change due to random events.

Why is ther little evidence for the evolution of early life forms?

Because of the lack of hard parts. Geological upheaval (this affects all fossils to a certain degree ). To name two reasons that are supported by the evidence. It also hinges on what you mean as " little. " The evidence, by way of analogy, would convict a saint of murder. It is strong enough for that and strong enough to support evolutionary theory

What are the signs of strong genes?

Good looks, athleticism, intelligence. The latter is obviously very broad, in addition just because you are lesser or greater in regards to those areas, doesn't mean your genes are inferior or superior to that person, everyone is different and everyone's genes have had a specific purpose of the last 100 000 years or so and have been decided by evolution. Ultimately, signs of strong genes in a person, is good health and the ability to function highly. Remember healthy diet and lifestyle aid to your overall genetic health. Hope this helped answer your question.

Why is it difficult to prove that evolution happens?

Proving that evolution happens can be challenging for a few reasons. Firstly, evolution occurs over long periods of time, making direct observation difficult. Additionally, the process of evolution involves gradual changes in populations, which can be difficult to track and measure. Lastly, the evidence for evolution is primarily based on indirect observations, such as fossil records and genetic analysis, which some skeptics may question.

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Can you prevent narcisism?

Unknown. There is strong evidence it is genetic.

What causes Asperger syndrome?

With strong evidence, genetic as it is hereditary.

How is your strong intelligence can help you to enhance your styding and learning?

how is your strong intelligence can help you enhance your styding and learning.

What is a sentence with derived in it?

Strong acids are derived from the combustion of fossil fuels.

Is there any scientific proof that orcas are different species?

Scientists report finding strong genetic evidence supporting the theory that there are several species of killer whales in the world's oceans.

What is a strong synthesis claim based on?

Strong evidence

What is Athenas streangths?

She was strong in... •Intelligence •War •Reasoning •Strategy

Strong evidence about former existing life has been found on?

Strong evidence or half-life has been found on the planet Mars.

What is the Strong evidence for the common ancestry of all vertebrates is?

The strong evidence for the common ancestry of all vertebrates is THE SIMILARITY OF THEIR EMBRYOLOGICAL STAGES.

Does dependency theory run in families genetics?

"The theory of dependency running in family genetics is an ongoing study. There is strong evidence that there is a genetic component to many dependencies therefore I would say that yes, it does run in family genetics."

One definition of knowledge is true belief based on strong evidence what makes evidence 'strong' enough and how can it be established?

evidence is like proof the police use to solve a crime or to get a suspect to talk

Alcohol addiction carries a strong genetic component?

Does alcohol addiction carry a strong genetic component? * It is possible. Several studies have pointed out that alcoholism is more likely in someone who has family members that are alcoholics.