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By identifying the bones as being homologous and by proposing that humans, bats, and dolphins share a common ancestor.

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Q: Structures as different as human arms bat wings and dolphin flippers contain many of the same bones these bones having developed from the same embryonic tissues How do biologists interpret these?
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What are structures that develop from the same embryonic tissues but have different mature forms?

Homologous Structures.I Hope This Helped.

What are structures that have different functions in different species but develop from the same embryonic tissue?

Homologous structures

What is a embryonic structures?

Embryonic structures are those parts of the embryo of animals. They differ from the structures that are found in term infants.

How can a taxonomist might use embryological evidence in classifying an organism?

Related species have similar embryos.

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Structures that have similar structure and function but different evolutionary origins are called?

It is either homologous structures or homozygous structures. Embryological structures are when different species of animals look similar in the earliest stage of development and Analogous structures are when animals look different but their function is basically the same. So just look up homologous structures and homozygous structures in your Bio book!!

What is embryonic shoot?

Embryonic shoots are the structures in seeds that become the stem of the new plant. This shoot grows up through the soil surface.

The approach to evolution that involves the study of similar structures that appear during the development of different organisms is known as the study of?

Comparative Embryology- This is the study of similar structures appearing during the embryonic development of related organisms.

Why is it useful for scientists to look at embryonic structures when determining evolutionary relationships?

Sometimes there are similarities in the embryonic stages of organisms that don't exist in the adult stages.

What are three vertabrate structures that are similar during early embryonic development?

The chicken, the fish, and the human. :)

What is the order of occurrence of the pre-embryonic structures?

Preembryonic forms are the zygote (fertilized egg), morula (a solid ball of cells), blastocyst (hollow ball with a single germ layer), and bilaminar embryonic disc(with two germ layers).

Are characterized by giving birth to embryonic babies which crawl into their mother's pouch and suckle until they are further developed?
