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Q: Study of hormones functioning within the neurological system?
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Why is the hypothalamus important to both the nervous and endocrine system?

1. The hypothalamus integrates the endocrine and nervous systems. The hypothalamus uses the endocrine system because it takes feedback from hormones to help maintain homeostasis by keeping levels within the body regular. The hypothalamus uses the nervous system because it takes instant feedback from the nerves, which it uses to also maintain homeostasis.

Which human body system transports nutrients to the cells?

The plasma component of the blood, contained within the cardiovascular system, transports hormones and nutrients.

Definition of endocrine system?

The endocrine system consists of glands that secrete hormones and other products within the body of a living organism (as opposed to the exocrine which secretes externally)

What is the main responsibility of the endocrine system?

The endocrine system is responsible for releasing hormones and controlling the glands in your body. It makes sure that the hormones are produced and distributed to the right places in the body.

How long does the pill stay in your system when you quit using it?

The hormones from the pill are out of your system within a couple days once you stop the pill. However, you may not be able to conceive immediately.

What are paracrine hormones?

Paracrine hormones are local hormones that diffuse a short distance to other cells.Hormones produced by the autocrine and paracrine route are restricted to working within the cytoplasm of the cell where as exocrine and endocrine hormones move within the body of the organism.

What is neurology nursing?

Neuroscience nursing is a distinctive area within the discipline of nursing. It focuses on the care of individuals with brain, spine and nervous system disorders

Is the digestive system alive?

Well, if your body is alive, all organs and tissues are alive. However, separate from the body, the digestive system would not function. Therefore, it cannot be said that the digestive system is "alive" apart from its functioning within the body.

When will your period stop after you put a new ortho evra patch on?

The hormones from the patch will be out of your system within days. Your regular cycle will return in four to six weeks.